Kale艒 Discipler Application Name* First Last Email* Cell*I am interested in discipling: (Please check one)* Small group One on one I am interested in discipling: (Please check all that apply)* Student Faculty Staff Meeting Frequency* Weekly Biweekly Monthly Choices of meeting space*First Choice - In your officeSecond Choice - On campus at a different locationThird Choice - No preferenceAre you actively involved in ministry? If so, please list.*Explain briefly how you came to know Jesus Christ personally.*Describe any experience you have had in a discipleship/mentoring relationship.*What training have you had with personal discipleship?*Why do you want to disciple and what do you believe you can contribute to this program?*What do you feel are strengths and weaknesses you will bring to the Kale艒 Program?Strengths:*Weaknesses:*What are some of your hobbies and interests?*