
Testing Services

Testing Services provides a secure, professional, supervised testing environment to meet individual, University, and community assessment needs.

Testing Center Hours of Operation: 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday. (Closed on the weekends)

The testing office is located on the ground floor of the Moody Library in room 121. The Moody Library is building 14 on the campus map. Test takers may park in any of the parking location not designated as faculty or Staff parking.聽 See the Campus Map.

The testing office provides lockers for the testers to place their personal items within while testing. It is strongly recommended that the testers only bring those items needed for the exam and leave all other valuable items within their homes/vehicles while testing.

NOTE: The 91影视 Christian University Testing Office is not responsible for Lost or Stolen items.

There are the dates and Times for exams given by the 91影视 Testing Center: See the .

Institutional testing is currently offered for the following exams:

Request for Accommodations

Follow this protocol PRIOR to registering for an exam:

  • Read the information on the university academic accommodations web pages.
  • Follow appropriate steps listed for receiving accommodations.
  • Contact the Disability Services Coordinator via email at 504@HC.edu
  • AFTER聽completing this process you may email testing@HC.edu to indicate the test you wish to take and test date.
  • All examinees requesting academic accommodations for testing at 91影视 must first go through this procedure to be considered for appropriate accommodations, whether examinee is an 91影视 student or not.
  • Testing with accommodations may require a special appointment, so do not register for your test until/unless Testing Services has indicated to do so.

Testing Services is closed if the University is closed due to weather conditions or other emergencies.聽 To see if 91影视 is closed due to an emergency, check at HC.edu/alerts.聽 Examinees scheduled for a test date that is cancelled due to university closing will be able to reschedule their exam.

Member of聽National College Testing Association and Consortium of College Testing Centers.

91影视 Christian University Testing Office Policy

  • 91影视 Christian University Testing Office Policy

    The 91影视 Christian University testing office proctors exams for 91影视 as well as other universities from around the world, and the greater 91影视 metropolitan area. The testing services are offered to both 91影视 students and non-91影视 students.

    All test takers are expected to adhere to the 91影视 Christian University testing office policy.

    1: There are no refunds offered for missed exams.
    2: Once an exam has started no one else will be admitted to the exam.
    3: It is the test takers responsibility to contact the 91影视 Testing office (281-649-3236) if they are going to be miss their exam time.
    4: The 91影视 testing office will reschedule a tester one time only, when contacted before the exam starts. Once the exam has started the tester will need to re-register and pay for the exam.
    5: A valid Passport, State/Federal I.D., or Student I.D., is required for admission to exams. No tester taker will be admitted without having their I.D. Checked.
    6: Prohibited items not allowed within the testing area include: Electronic devices (cell phones, watches, fit-bits, earbuds, calculators, flash/thumb drives, cameras, ect鈥), backpacks, handbags/purses, hats/scarves (Unless for Religious purposes), ect鈥
    7: No food or drink is allowed within the Testing area. Though water in a clear plastic bottle is allowed.
    8: Each tester will be assigned seat and corresponding locker.
    9: The testing area is monitored by both physical and electronic surveillance.
    10: If a tester is caught cheating, attempting any form of academic dishonesty, or with a prohibited item, their exam will be stopped and they will be asked to leave. The test provider will then be contacted and informed about the incident.